Endless green wheat plants in a field in Guanghui City, Xiangcheng City, Henan Province. At the end of 2022, Xiangcheng City agricultural technicians were very busy and came to the large wheat fields in Maolu Village, Guanghui Town early in the morning to feel the "pulse" of the village's winter wheat.
-Your land is not fertile enough, there are weeds, you can spray herbicides and foliar fertilizers to stabilize the growth of plants. good harvest... The agronomist took a handful of wheat plants and carefully examined them. Soil moisture and root system growth conditions of wheat, patiently farmer Mr. Guide Wang. Mr. Wang has handed over 460 mu of land to grow wheat, and the wheat harvest is expected next year. Despite being a local talent, we recommend agricultural technology experts to continuously improve the level of technology.
In Xiangcheng, many farmers have adopted the path of scientific agriculture, achieving rapid growth in family income, and it is the local talents in the village that lead them to prosperity. Rural talent is connected to the field on the one hand and innovation and creativity on the other hand, becoming a new driving force for rural revitalization.
In recent years, Xiangcheng City has carried out investigations, comprehensive investigations and comprehensive evaluations of various rural talents through voluntary declarations and questionnaires, and recruited "soil experts" and "Tian Xiuchai" such as cultivation experts. .« Establish folk artists and rich professionals, establish, monitor and manage talent funds and promote the role of talent.
At the same time, in order to effectively improve the qualifications and skills of workers and accelerate the transition from population allocation to talent allocation, Xiancheng City complies with Henan Province's labor requirements: "Everyone has a Henan qualified certificate", "Anyone has a qualification." Henan is an expert", regards construction as an important issue in people's lives, and guides everyone in society to actively learn about and participate in construction. in Henan", allocation "Everyone in Henan has qualifications and skills." A budget of 9.55 million yuan will be allocated in 2022 and allocated to talent training and professional development to provide financial support for talent training. .
With the coordination and assistance of villages and settlements, these local talents took over lands in surrounding villages and organized cooperatives to force surrounding villages to work and increase the village's collective income. Xiangcheng Huiyuan Pepper Cultivation Professional Cooperative and Henan Sanli Food Co., Ltd jointly transferred more than 1,000 mu of land for Saning pepper cultivation, and drove the surrounding villages and villages to plant more than 7,000 mu, making it an important pepper production base. Raw peppers produced by cooperatives are processed in factories, and annual exports amount to 100 million yuan. The Golden Wheat Planting Professional Cooperative of Dongze Administrative Village, Dingji City encourages the public to purchase land shares with a deposit of 800 yuan per mu. Dividend per land in 2022 is 458.6 yuan. The average net profit is 1258.6 yuan per month, and everyone has a happy smile.

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